Topics of the module

Circular Business Model Canvas

The canvas of the business model (BMC) tries to explain in a visual and clear way what the individual parts consist of, all these parts being interconnected and interdependent.

Ostewalder & Pigneur state that the circular economy can be described as an effort to combine successful business with the reduction of consumption and waste of natural resources. We consider the traditional economy to be a linear process and we perceive the circular economy as a cycle to which we return externalities that, in the case of a linear approach, would only be waste.

As we saw in Module 1: Your Circular Solution for the linear economy, we can use the BMC. But to capture the needs of the circular economy we had to expand it into the so-called Circular Business Model Canvas - CBMC.
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This project (project no: 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060527) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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