Topics of the module

Reflective questions

1.     Start with a general brain-storming session around Circular Economy in smaller groups: What do you know about Circular economy? What springs to mind when you hear the words Circular economy? Can you think of examples of companies that are circular? What are the advantages of a circular economy? Any drawbacks? 
The task of the teacher will be to summarize and explain the different ideas and outcomes from the groups.
2.      Introduce the CBMC and its pillars, preferable with a power-point presentation. Make sure that the learners understand the different concepts and terminology of the pillars. Compare to the BMC and focus on the differences.
3.      Case study: Watch the Farm Near Rotterdam video from the learning platform or directly from youtube:

Farm Near Rotterdam BMC:

Farm Near Rotterdam CBMC:

4.      Discuss and make notes on the different pillars of the CBMC. Do all the pillars of the CBMC apply for the company in the video?  
5.       In pairs: brainstorm and discuss.  Do you already have a real or imaginary circular business idea? What would you produce and how? What resources would be necessary? How circular would your company be?  Make a presentation of your ideas to the rest of the group.

Material needed:  note paper, pens/pencils, post-it notes, a computer with a projector to show a power-point presentation, the web-page and the video(s).
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This project (project no: 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060527) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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