About the project

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The LCC project will focus on helping young active and/or future entrepreneurs in order to run circular businesses. In order to change from linear to circular in terms of businesses, reviewed business planning is a most. The LCC consortium will develop, among others, innovative training materials so as to give a hand to those who’d like to contribute to the change. Managing these changes requires entrepreneurs to understand:

- the logic by which a circular enterprise creates and delivers shared or multiple value to customers;
- what does this new way of thinking mean for the business community;
- how can profitable business models be combined with social and environmental responsibility;
- how can they design products right from the beginning, and do things better, instead of just less bad.

The LCC consortium works together for 26 months, starting from the 1st November 2019 until the 31st December 2021 and consists of 6 partner organisations coming from Sweden, Romania, The Netherlands, Spain, Denmark and Czech Republic.
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1. develop 18 case studies of already existing circular businesses applying circular thinking

2. prepare 18 Circular Business Models of the identified Entrepreneurial Practices

3. use the digital story telling method for preparing at least 10 short films of the identified businesses

4. develop new, tailored training material for entrepreneurial skills for circular economy thinking

5. develop high quality visual educational product bridging circular business modelling knowledge and digital storytelling

6. development of a multi-device online learning hub supporting entrepreneurs in acquiring skills skills needed for circular economy thinking


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This project (project no: 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060527) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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