Topics of the module

Benefits for the individuals, society and environment

“We define a sustainable (circular) business model as the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers and captures economic, environmental and social forms of value simultaneously.”
(Osterwald and Pigneur, 2010).
Individuals, the society and the environment are, of course, closely connected and therefore benefit from an increase of circular businesses. Recycling, sharing assets, remaking and minimizing waste are ways to care about the environment and focus on sustainability (“meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, Brundtland, 1987). More awareness of our ecological footprints and the goals of the 2030 Agenda influence both the society and the individuals. Thus, there should be a growing interest in products from circular businesses.

For the individual, the actual benefits might not be evident but there is an increasing interest in caring for the environment. Many of the “circular products” compete on the market and need to tell the consumers that they benefit in many ways when choosing them. Many of the consumers want to buy these products to show that they care about the environment, to make a statement and to be unique.

If more and more individuals strive to consume less “wear and tear-products", and instead discover the potential in reused materials, our future society will benefit in many ways. Just to mention a few things, raw materials will be reused, assets will be shared, products will find a new life.
The environmental benefits represent the improvements made to the conditions for life on earth to flourish.

Together, these benefits are the superior, balanced and positive results in terms of economic, social and environmental perspective that a circular business should produce, mainly in the long term.
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This project (project no: 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060527) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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