Name of company:
Järvsö Gårdsmjölk

Järvsö Gärdsmjölk is a small farm that produces milk and delivers it directly to the local food store and some restaurants. The milk is pasteurized on the farm and only transported 5 km from the farm. The customers buy the milk at the food store; they buy a bottle in the shop or bring one from home (the same bottle is reused multiple times).

The farm is run by Isabelle Enkvist who has a background in working / running local restaurants. She lives in the countryside on the farm where her husband grew up, and she has a great interest in animals (cows, horses, dogs…). Her latest job was at Vallens gård which is the biggest dairy farm in Scandinavia. At Vallens gård their 900 cows are milked by robots, but Isabelle wanted to run a small-scale farm with benefits like knowing every cow by name and not pushing their milk production too much, resulting is top quality milk. She has all the needed skills when it comes to milking and han

Locally produced fresh milk.

Target customers:
Local people and local restaurants. Järvsö is a popular tourist destination and some tourists also get to enjoy Järvsö Gärdsmjölk.

Social /environmental/economic impact:
By selling the milk straight from a container and reusing the same bottles the ecological footprint is very small. The transports are very short, and some old farm machinery is reused.


Circular business model/strategy:
Reusing bottles and machinery.

Maturity level:

Facebook: Järvsö Gårdsmjölk, Göras Lantbruk.

Sweden, Järvsö.

Year of establishment:

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This project (project no: 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060527) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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