Name of company:
Kabinet CB

The company was founded in 2019 and currently employs employees. At the same time, a large number of volunteers are involved in their activities.

Kabinet CB was established as a social enterprise with the aim of supporting socially disadvantaged families who use the services of the so-called furniture bank. The furniture bank obtains old furniture from donors and repairs it and redistributes it among the needy. The Kabinet CB is another activity of the owner, as there was so much furniture that it was often not possible to offer it to anyone. From this was born the idea of renovating, selling and renting of this furniture and other equipment. For these activities, it was also important to equip the company with a workshop for furniture repairs. However, this workshop is also offered for rent and is also a place for the implementation of various workshops, which mostly focus on working with wood.

Thanks to this, the funds obtained from these activities can also be used for the original activity, namely the support of a furniture bank.

The entrepreneur(s): (briefly introducing the person, main focus on their professional background, skills gained)

Dana Kalistová is behind the social enterprise and this is her first business activity. However, she is also the chairwoman of the Dialog CB association, its activities are closely connected with the activities of the Kabinet CB. Before deciding to run her own business, she works as a marketing specialist in both the profit and non-profit sectors.

The main activity is the operation of the reuse centre. Above all, they focus on securing materials and renovating furniture. The renovated furniture is then for sale through the e-shop. Workshops and courses focusing on furniture renovation are also an integral part. One of the complementary activities that help to make full use of the workshop is its rental. Thanks to this, customers can use the workshop equipment for their own creation. Last but not least, Kabinet CB offers assistance in clearing a real estate, transporting furniture where it connects activities with a furniture bank.

Target customers:
The target group in the case of renovated furniture is not precisely determined, however, the customers of the centre are very often local groups, which are looking for a unique design and especially for products and services with a social impact.

Social /environmental/economic impact:
The original idea that led to the establishment of a social enterprise was primarily the support of social barriers and the problems of socially weaker families. However, as the company's director itself adds, over time, the environmental aspect has prevailed and currently the company is trying to develop more and more and engage in activities aimed at circular business.

Kabinet CB offers both products and services with which it finances all its activities. He is primarily engaged in the renovation of furniture and its sale. In the case of services, the company offers furniture removal, craft workshops, as well as rental of space and equipment.

Circular business model/strategy:
The company obtains old and unnecessary furniture from donors and then renovates it, modifying its design. The primary source is furniture that would become waste.

Maturity level:
The company can still be considered a Startup, as it has been operating since 2019, however, it is successful in its activities and manages to grow.


Czech Republic, České Buďějovice

Year of establishment:

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This project (project no: 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060527) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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