Name of company:
La Carrasca Biofruits / Llum Organics (brand name))

The Biofruits Kermes oak makes possible and viable the production, as well as accessible the commercialization of local products coming from organic agriculture, oil and oranges, adopting changes in the existing traditional business model.

To make it possible, it innovates in the offer, simplifies and shortens the processes, controls the use and origin of all the resources, opens its capacities to third parties for the optimization of its use and outsources and concentrates services in third parties to optimize the use of its own economic resources and those of the third parties.

Xert is an isolated village in the interior of the province of Castellón. Promoting these activities from there helps to protect the area from depopulation and the abandonment of the fields due to lack of exploitation. La Carrasca Biofruits ensures that the distance to large concentrations of population, does not become an insurmountable handicap.

The entrepreneur(s):
The company was founded by Llum Querol and her husband.
Llum immerses herself in this initiative after many years working as a forest ranger and after running, also for a long period, the bar-restaurant of the agricultural cooperative of her village Xert.
Llum is in love with the territory as a concept, with the protection of the indigenous and the sustainable diffusion of the local, to ensure its survival.
Llum has the support of her husband, who is a public employee who in his free time helps with agricultural production tasks.
The lands that were started with taxes were of family origin and littleo a poco han ido adquiriendo otras tierras para incluirlas en su base de terrenos de cultivo.

Production and marketing of organic oil from various varieties of ancient olive tres
Production in crowdfarming regime for its commercialization of organic oranges.
Storage services for agricultural products.
Service of oil milling in oil mill.

Target customers:
For Oil and Oranges:
  • National final consumers
  • European end consumers

Also, for Oil specifically:
  • restaurants, hotels, etc

Social /environmental/economic impact:
Social Impact: Connects the consumer to sustainable agricultural production and conscious consumption

Environmental Impact: Protects natural resources and the local ecosystem

Economic Impact: Protects the local economy by preventing depopulation.

Agriculture and marketing of agricultural products.

Circular business model/strategy (ReSOLVE model):
  • Protection of natural resources
  • Shared External Platforms
  • Virtualization/Externalization
  • Process Optimization
  • Opening of internal spaces for use by third parties

Maturity level:
Start Up


Xert (Castellón)

Year of establishment:

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This project (project no: 2019-1-SE01-KA204-060527) has been funded with support from the European Commission.
The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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